Enjoy a HUGE taste of New Mexico any time of the year with this mixed box of goodies! Make it your way!
5lbs Chopped Peeled Hatch Green Chile (go ahead! make some green chile stew!)
1 Dozen Red Chile Pork Tamales
1 Dozen Green Chile Chicken Tamales
1 Dozen Hatch Chile Rellenos
2lbs Frozen Posole/Hominy
2 dozen Tortillas
2 Boxes Bueno Sopapilla Mix
1 Bueno Green Chile Sauce
1 lb Hatch Red Chile Powder (to make sauce)
2 Packages Biscochito Bite cookies-
***NOTE_This is not a prepared posole stew, it is the plain nixtamalized hominy you would use to make the stew. Food preparation is needed in this package.
Substitutions of equal value may be made at the last minute if a product is not available.